Setup your Personal tax return

Our packages cover most common tax situations. Pay us only after we file your return.

By working with us we’ll provide the following items 

for you at no extra cost:

Still have questions about our pricing and our plans? Talk directly with one of our advisors.

Looking for business taxes instead?

Making taxes simpler for you

We work off of a 4 step process. Simple as that. We’ll handle the rest.

Advisor Consultation

Book a consultation with one of the Money Tree Advisors, whether it’s in person or virtually.

Financial Analysis

During this time our CPAs will get to work and analyze your financials in order to create a plan & strategy.

Strategy Implementation

During this phase we’ll help you put it all into place to streamline your taxes, finances and credit.

Financial Success

If all advise is followed then this is when you will start seeing differences and results in the months to follow.

Talk to an advisor today!

Choose from one of the following, you can either come meet us in person, meet us over the phone or video call. Or if you simply want to get to work and drop off your files, that works too!